Reviews of Indonesian Course in Jakarta & Online
Reviews of Indonesian Language School in Jakarta.
Language Course Reviews
in Jakarta, Indonesia
Why study with

LSI's faculty is comprised wholly of university-accredited Language Instructors, all of whom are fully trilingual, speaking English, an Indonesian local language, and, of course, Bahasa Indonesia ;
Their credentials notwithstanding, all incoming Instructors are required to successfully complete 'LSI's Teacher Education Program' (which focuses on "effective adult coaching methods") before joining the faculty ; and
Throughout their tenures, Instructors are having ongoing trainings for their professional development.
LSI’s careful selection process and ongoing development programs ensure that each student receives the highest possible level of Indonesian language education from a dynamic Instructor with proven teaching skills.
Whether you live Indonesia or the other side of the world, we hope we will have the opportunity of welcoming you to LSI's worldwide student-body in the weeks and months ahead.
Language Studies Indonesia is Indonesia's Leading School for Indonesian language studies. Indeed, it is the only educational institution in Jakarta devoted exclusively to the study of Bahasa Indonesia.
We attribute our success and market-position entirely to our people. LSI’s “product” is its teaching faculty! And, given this fact, we devote more time and effort to the recruitment and development of world-class Indonesian Instructors than we do any other aspect of the School's operation.
The most common concern of incoming students is that their Instructor will "lack the leadership" to guide them to rapid fluency. If you have such concerns, please put them to rest :