and have some fun with "Slang" Indonesian!
As a School of Language, LSI provides students with an education in "standard Indonesian." Obviously, we can not teach "vernacular" (or "slang") language, which would lead our students to embarrassment in the normal social and business situations of their lives.
With that said, it can be a lot of fun to learn some "street lingo" and pick up a few expressions to be used with vendors, parking attendants, taxi drivers, etc.
Download THE ANGKOT GAME and develop some skills in "vernacular" Bahasa Indonesia. (It should prove to be a welcome antidote to your regular Indonesian studies!)
The game instructions are, of course, provided in "standard Indonesian" . . .
but the dialogue of the characters is all in the "vernacular."
Click the link below to download the Game Installer.
Extract the Zip File and double-click on the Installer.
Click the "Next" button and follow the procedure.
Be sure to check "Create Shortcut" (and place an easy-to-find game icon on your desktop).
PLAYING THE GAME (Internet connection required):
1. Open the Game (by double-clicking on your desktop game icon).
2. Set your screen resolution. (We recommend : 800 x 600 or 1280 x 720).
3. Click the "Play" button, then follow the instructions below :

Enter Username : lsi
Enter Password : 123456
Click the "Connect" button
Click the "OK" button.
You will be taken to a screen with 5 buttons. Be sure to get familiar with all the buttons.
(Keyboard settings will be displayed, but you can also use the arrow keys on your computer keyboard for basic driving commands.)
Click the "Mulai Main" button to play.
4. You will be taken to a room. Once in the room,
hover your mouse over the bulletin board (to the left) and click "Misi."
5. Click "Number 1" for a slide show on how to play the Game.
Move from screen to screen by using the "Enter" button
on your computer keyboard.
6. The Tutorial will be delivered through a story (written in "standard"
Bahasa Indonesia). You can practice your Indonesian language skills
as you attempt to move through the slides and follow the story.
7. Have fun!