In learning Bahasa Indonesia, it is important to also understand that some words might be used differently by the native Indonesians. Therefore, in this episode we will show you two words that are often used by Indonesians. Understanding these words will help you speak like native Indonesian and give you more confidence. Here are some examples to help you further understand these words:
Aku punya nasi goreng, ayo kita sarapan bersama!
I got some fried rice, let’s have breakfast together!
Tadi pagi, kamu sarapan apa? This morning, what did you have for breakfast?
Oh begitu, mudah-mudahan adikmu cepat sembuh ya.
I see, hopefully he will get well soon.
Anton, mudah-mudahan kamu akan mendapatkan apa yang kamu inginkan.
Anton, hopefully you will get what you want.
What do you think of these examples? Now you know that in these examples, “sarapan” has been referred to as “makan pagi” and “mudah-mudahan” has the same meaning as “semoga” (hopefully). Watch this video to see how these words are used in a conversation.
Selamat belajar!