Started its journey thirteen years ago, LSI has been recruiting suitable candidates to be team members not only based on their academic criteria but also their victorious characters. Aside from its business entity, LSI dreams of building a circle, if not a community, of individuals who look for a lifelong learning experience. In these series, we want to introduce you to each of victors who have become our team members for a while as it might give you an idea of how much pride and love they put in what they do to serve every student of LSI.
What Bapak Bayu does is a little bit more than just “the curriculum territory”, he is our “Head of Curriculum and Teacher Education”. However, the title has been “wordy” to most of our team members, that’s by the way, how we mostly keep the “Head of Curriculum” (abbreviated as H.o.C) more. Of course, without diminishing his role in educating our instructors, we are all aware how important his role is to ensure all our students will only have the best experience in learning Bahasa Indonesia.
Let’s watch the video and get ourselves closer to the person behinds our instructors’ performance.
Selamat menonton!