After the previous two expressions Oh.. begitu and sekarang juga, are you ready for the next one?
The third expression that Indonesians commonly use is "Masuk Akal."
Some of you might know masuk as "to enter", however, looking at the sentence above, you might wonder what masuk akal really means. If you look up the meaning in the dictionary, you will see akal as "mind." Hence, the phrase masuk akal would literally be translated as “entering (get into) mind.”
Strange? That is one of the reasons why direct translation will not get you anywhere.
Now, let us not get you into a more complicated analysis. In the English language, masuk akal carries the same meaning as “make sense.”
As you have now figured out the meaning, let us show you how to use this expression in action:
“Harga mangga ini terlalu mahal!... tidak masuk akal!”
“The price of this mango is too expensive!...... it does not make sense!”
“Oh … begitu! kata-kata Anda masuk akal!”
“I see…! Your words make sense.”
Now you have another expression to use!
To discover more on how masuk akal is being used in your daily situations, click the video below in case you have not watched it.
Selamat berlatih!